Get the Official DVD and Blue-ray!
Support our documentary by purchasing the official DVD and Blue-ray of the film. Every disc you buy goes directly to help fund the marketing of the film as well as ongoing efforts to spread awareness to this important topic.
Buy copies as gifts for people to spread our call to action! Thank you so much for your support!
Buy the DVD – $15
Cutting Corners DVD includes shipping:
Buy the Blue-ray – $20
Cutting Corners Blue-ray includes shipping:

Get the Official T-Shirt!
Support our documentary by purchasing the official T-shirt worn in the film. Every shirt you buy goes directly to help fund the marketing of the film.
Wear the shirt proudly in your neighborhood as a call to action to developers so they can see we are watching them, and not tolerating their unsafe construction and demolitions as they are Cutting Corners!
Medium T-Shirt – $20
Medium T-Shirt includes shipping:
Large T-Shirt – $20
Large T-Shirt includes shipping:
XL T-Shirt – $20
Extra Large T-Shirt includes shipping:
2XL T-Shirt – $20
2XL T-Shirt includes shipping: